Rumors are always flying around about which female is getting ready to mate, and which males are (figuratively speaking) chasing her. There are some rules that need to be understood before sending a drak to mate, so here they are:
The Main Entrance

The Deep Caverns


The Main Caverns

The Armadas

The Archives

The Portals

Planet Icarus
1. Only draks or duowinged dragons are allowed to participate in drak mating. The drak must be from an adoption agency with a page and image of its own, but if you have an adoption agency and want to send in a drak you created yourself, that's fine too.
2. The drak or dragon must be an adult with its adult image up, unless permission is granted both from me and the owner of the agency it came from for it to mate.
3. Generally, I prefer draks over duo-winged dragons, and at least one parent must be a drak.
4. A story is not required, though it is recommended if you want your drak to win. A link back to Drockh-Tallahn would be appreciated, but not strictly required.
5. Draks do not mate like most dragons. The males do not chase the female when she goes into heat. Instead, the female announces her intention to mate, and the males who are interested try to impress and woo her. When she's ready, the female chooses her mate.
6. Draks' knights are not affected by their mating dragons like on other worlds, so it doesn't matter if the rider is male or female.
7. No mating stories here. Just tell me who you want to win when it's full.
8. There is a seperate form for pre-mated pairs. If your drak already has a pre-determined mate, use that form. They will be put in the deep cavern as soon as there's room for them.
9. The writer of the female drak chooses who wins. If they want to, they can write the clutching/hatching stories. Or if they don't, I will.

Female:Nieranta Males:
Knight: Yranelle Desert Pyreiet
Color: Wild-Winged Pearl -----
Comments: Draks only! -----
Status: Open -----

Female: Open  Males:
Knight: Open  -----
Color: N/A -----
Comments: N/A -----
Status: Open -----

Female: Open Males:
Knight: Open -----
Color: N/A -----
Comments: None -----
Status: Open -----

Female Form

Male Form

Pre-Mated Form